Hello Edinburgh
It feels so good to be able to re-open the doors of Godiva, there is a sense of moving forward, cautiously of course, and for now we are still only open half of the week and always open online.
Seeing people walking the streets of the Old Town again is a joy. However it is still strangely quiet as isn’t a place locals usually come as tourism can choke the streets. Right now we are a long way off from what it used to be like, especially for this time of year, the streets would be full of tourists, noise and preparations for the festival, there would be a buzz in the air of the months ahead. For businesses in the area this is the time of year we most look forward to.
I applaud the businesses so far that are trying to reopen as it not easy. We are all making sure all the necessary steps are taken to ensure the health and safely of staff and customers and so far everyone seems to be doing a fantastic job.
So people this is the time to visit the Old Town and the city centre! It has never been so easy to walk to streets and take in the beauty of the city and all it has to offer. Come experience the Old Town in all its splendour and reconnect with the city centre. Shops are open, restaurants are taking bookings and bars opening.
Come out, explore and support the local businesses who employ local people and sell local products.
Godiva works are all year round in the hub of the tourism that helps bring money to the city but we do miss locals so come say hello and see what we have to offer.
As a celebration of this great city and everyone in it who makes it great we have expanded the Edinburgh Map collection from 100 Stars. This weekend we are offering an exclusive discount on the every popular Kimono, Scarf and Gown!
15% off online and in store!
Welcome back Edinburgh!